kids trick or treating


Halloween time is upon us again!

While most families are busy decorating their homes, buying candy and selecting costumes. Here at Lice Clinics Arizona we are getting ready for ghosts, goblins and Super Lice.

Head Lice has been known to be one of parents’ scariest nightmares when it comes to their children. The itchy scalps and stigmas around lice have made parents tremble in fear for years but we are here to put those fears to rest.

Head lice are surrounded by myths and rumors. Our lice experts are here to share the facts so you can put your fears to rest. Here are several lice facts that will provide you with more information to make head lice a little less scary. Read more lice facts.


  1. Head lice spread most commonly through direct hair to hair contact with an infected person. Head lice can’t jump or fly; they crawl from one hair strand to another.
  2. Super lice are mutated lice that are now resistant to the pesticides in the traditional over-the-counter lice shampoos and products.
  3. Lice cannot live more than 24 hours without a host to feed off. While it is still best to be cautious while trying on Halloween costumes, direct head to head contact is still the most common form in which lice are spread.
  4. Head lice are a parasitic insect, the specific type of human head lice can’t be passed on to common household pets. There is no need to worry about your family dog or cat.
  5. Adult lice are small, about the size of a sesame seed, and are often brown, tan, or gray colored. The female louse can lay up 10 eggs (or nits) a day.
  6. Lice do not discriminate based on socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or any other human known factor. Anyone at any age can get lice!


Head Lice doesn’t have to be scary if you know your facts and know how to treat an infestation. The faster and easier you can get rid of the lice, the less scary the situation.

At Lice Clinics Arizona, we offer our exclusive Cool air technology. This treatment kills lice and nits using cool air to immobilize them, without the use of any chemicals (that can be found in DIY treatments or OTC medications). Our lice services also come with a lice free guarantee to insure you are free of this nightmare and back to the Halloween festivities in no time!

Halloween season is meant to be fun and spooky, but parents shouldn’t be afraid of head lice this time of year. Let Lice Clinics Arizona help with all your head lice needs so head lice isn’t so scary!

If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our convenient locations in Chandler, Mesa and Phoenix serve the following areas; Phoenix, Chandler, Ahwatukee, Gilbert, Santan Valley, Queen Creek, Maricopa, Apache Junction, Casa Grande, Tempe, Mesa, Surprise, Scottsdale and Buckeye. Our exclusive head lice removal process is the only guaranteed way to remove the scary SUPER LICE in 1 quick, easy, and safe treatment, so you and your family can get back to the things they enjoy. Call us today to schedule an appointment at (602)309-5468!