4 Common Habits that Increase the Likelihood of Lice Infestations (And How to Break Them)

Lice infestations are a common nuisance that can affect anyone, especially children. Understanding the habits that increase the likelihood of getting lice can help in prevention and management. At Lice Clinics in Arizona, offering lice inspections and treatments in Mesa and beyond, we’re dedicated to helping our community stay lice-free. Here are four common habits that can lead to lice infestations and tips on how to break them. Contact us today to learn more!

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Sharing Personal Items

Sharing personal items such as hats, brushes, combs, and other hair accessories can easily spread lice from one person to another. Educate children and family members about the risks of sharing personal items. Encourage each person to use their own belongings. For activities that require sharing, such as sports, make sure to disinfect items before and after use.

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Close Head-to-Head Contact

Lice can move from one head to another through direct contact. Activities that involve close head-to-head contact, such as playing, hugging, etc. increase the risk of lice transmission. While it is hard to avoid close contact entirely, especially among children, it’s important to minimize unnecessary head-to-head interactions. Educate children about keeping a bit of distance during play and emphasizing personal space.

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Neglecting Regular Hair Checks

Many people overlook the importance of regularly checking their hair and scalp for lice, allowing infestations to go unnoticed and spread further. Implement a routine of regular checks, especially after your child has been in a high-risk environment like school or camp. Early detection is key to preventing a full-blown infestation. Use a fine-toothed comb to thoroughly inspect the hair and scalp.

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Delaying Treatments

Ignoring early signs of lice or delaying treatment can lead to a more severe infestation, making it harder to manage and easier to spread to others. At the first sign of lice, take immediate action. Seek professional help from a lice clinic. Lice Clinics of Arizona offers effective and safe treatments to eradicate lice quickly. Prompt treatment not only reduces the severity but also prevents the spread to others.

If you suspect a lice infestation, don’t wait—visit our lice clinic in Mesa, Arizona, for professional help. For more information on how to prevent lice in Mesa or to schedule an appointment, contact Lice Clinics of Arizona today. Our expert team at the lice center in Mesa, Arizona, is here to provide the best care and ensure you stay lice-free.

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